From August to December 2020, Asian Transmission Corporation (ATC), which is the Mitsubishi Motors' automotive parts production base in the Philippines, donated 3,870 seedlings to schools and the Department of Natural Resources and Environment in the Province of Laguna.
Recognizing that climate change, air pollution, and floods due to deforestation are threats to the environment of the Philippines, ATC has been embarking on tree-planting projects for the past decade as part of its and Mitsubishi Motors Corporations’ care for the environment.
ATC has firmed up its commitment to the environment of the Philippines since its 45th anniversary celebration in 2018 by setting a 5-year target to plant 25,000 trees across the province of Laguna, in cooperation with the local government of Laguna, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment, schools, non-governmental organizations and other private entities. (ATC successfully planted 6,750 trees in FY2018 and FY2019.)
In December 2020, ATC cooperated with the local government of Laguna and the Department of Natural Resources and Environment to provide support to the areas affected by natural disasters, such as by donating fruit saplings to the farmers damaged by the large-scale typhoon “Ulysses” that hit the Philippines in November 2020.
ATC will continue its commitment to protect the global environment.