Mitsubishi Motors Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. (MMM), MMC's official distributor in Malaysia (MMM), donated solar systems to enable access to solar energy in the indigenous minority group Orang Asli's shared community space commonly known as their Rumah Adat.
The donation was done through Global Peace Foundation, a non-profit organization (NGO) with a mission to build resilient and cohesive Orang Asli communities.
Lack of access to grid electricity in Orang Asli's houses and community spaces brings health risks, expensive energy cost, and environmental impact. To have light after dark, bonfires are frequently created by burning dried palm fruits which generate a lot of smoke that causes cough and watery eyes among the villagers, especially children.
In addition, houses and community spaces are built from resources in the forest such as bamboo wood and other easily flammables, making it dangerous to use open fire as the source of light.
Some Orang Asli families also rely on disposable energy such as petrol to run generators and non-rechargeable batteries to power more than just lights.
MMM wants to see Malaysians, including the indigenous communities, live a better life.
■Global Peace Foundation Malaysia