About the 21st Sustainability Committee Meeting

Tokyo, June 07, 2024

Mitsubishi Motors Corporation is promoting the sustainability activities as a company-wide effort with an aim to realize the sustainable society and enhance corporate value.

As part of such activity, we have established the Sustainability Committee chaired by Representative Executive Officer, President & CEO, to report and deliberate major sustainability issues and built the structure where particularly important issues will be deliberated by and reported to the Board of Directors.

The following is a summary of the 21st meeting of the Sustainability Committee.


May 22, 2024


  1. Reported the result of the FY2023 activities of MITSUBISHI MOTORS' Materiality.
  2. Reported on the following 2 items related to sustainability initiatives.
    (1) FY2024 disclosure policy.
    (2) ESG external evaluation results.