In February 2022, MMC organized online briefing on "Mitsubishi Motors STEP Funds" (hereinafter the STEP Funds) for its employees. On that day, we invited a representative from World Vision Japan to talk about such topics as how MMC's support activities including Child Sponsorship program are contributing to realization of SDGs. World Vision Japan is one of the organizations receiving funds from the STEP Funds.
Moreover, there was a report about utilization of the funds and matching gift from MMC such as elementary school construction in the Philippines through STEP Funds as well as the project to construct a library and meeting hall in Indonesia. Also, the comments from the employees who attended the opening ceremony of the elementary school at that time were introduced.
■Comment from Employees who Participated in the Briefing
- The attendance to the briefing meeting made me realize that even the small amount of100 yen per month makes a big difference to those who are in need.
- I was greatly moved when I saw the video letter which showed children are fine and growing. I want to continue to track their healthy growth.
■Mitsubishi Motors STEP Funds