Mitsubishi Motors Corporation is promoting the sustainability activities as a company-wide effort with an aim to realize the sustainable society and enhance corporate value.
As part of such activity, we have established the Sustainability Committee chaired by Representative Executive Officer, President & CEO, to report and deliberate major sustainability issues and built the structure where particularly important issues will be deliberated by and reported to the Board of Directors.
The following is a summary of the 20th meeting of the Sustainability Committee.
November 21,2023
1. Shared the issuance of “Sustainability Report 2023” reported at the Board of Directors in FY2023.
2. Reported on the MITSUBISHI MOTORS’ Materiality activities in the first half of FY2023 and discussed how to achieve the goal at the end of the fiscal year.
3. Reported on the latest trend of sustainability reporting standards.
4. Reported on the efforts made in accordance with TCFD recommendations.
Please click here to view the members of the Sustainability Committee.
Please click here for the past Sustainability Committee agendas.