Mitsubishi Motors Corporation is promoting the sustainability activities as a company-wide effort with an aim to realize the sustainable society and enhance corporate value.
As part of such activity, we have established the Sustainability Committee chaired by Representative Executive Officer, CEO, to report and discuss major sustainability issues and built the scheme where important issues will be discussed by and reported to the Board of Directors.
Please find the agenda for the 9th Sustainability Committee organized as below.
May 28, 2020
1. Reported the discussion status of "New Environmental Plan Package" which serves as our new environment policy, vision and targets from the mid-to-long term point of view.
2. Discussed the review of MITSUBISHI MOTORS' Materiality based on the situation of the society and MMC.
3. Confirmed the status of initiatives for MITSUBISHI MOTORS' Materiality in FY2019.
4. Reported FY2019 human rights activities.
5. Reported our actions in response to the request and expectation of the society based on ESG ratings by a third party.
6. Reported the FY2020 information disclosure policy in relation to sustainability.
7. Reported the FY2019 internal enlightenment activities outcome and FY2020 activity plan in relation to sustainability.
【Chair】 |
Representative Executive Officer, CEO |
【Vice-chair】 |
Corporate Officer(responsible for General Administration, Communication, Sustainability) |
【Members】 |
Representative Executive Officer, Co-COO and responsible for Engineering, Representative Executive Officer, Co-COO and responsible, for ASEAN and Oceania and Division General Manager of the Global Sales Development Division, Senior Executive Officer (Corporate Governance), Senior Executive Officer (Production), General Manager, Corporate Strategy Management Office, Division General Manager of TCS Division, Division General Manager of Product Strategy Division, Division General Manager of Human Resources Division, General Manager of Finance Planning Office, Division General Manager of Mobility Business Division, Division General Manager of Procurement Management Division, Division General Manager of Corporate Affairs Division, Division General Manager of Production Engineering Division, Division General Manager of Global After Sales Division, Division General Manager of Domestic Sales Division, Division General Manager of Development Management Division, General Manager of Public Relations Department, General Manager of the IR Office |
【Observer】 |
Member of the Board (Audit Committee member) |