MITSUBISHI MOTORS views the key to creating “sustainable growth” and “improving corporate value” in the automotive industry, where the business environment is undergoing major changes is “people”. We have defined the “Promotion of Work Style Reforms in Response to the New Normal (Diversity, Work-Life Balance)” as a material issue in FY2020, to help diverse human resources achieve a work-life balance under the new normal and in recognition of the importance of creating an environment in which people can make the most of their capabilities.
In addition, we have been conducting engagement surveys (employee awareness surveys) to visualize the state of the Company, the organization as a whole, and employees, and to reinvigorate people and the organization by confronting issues that the results make apparent. In addition to the president and other members of the management team, as well as heads of departments and headquarters organizations, survey results are shared with employees, to promote improvement initiatives at the Company and organizational level.